Aap ke bhitar hi toh hai jagat ka palan karta fir kyo bhatak te hai dar badar ......
Visnupuran Introduction Visnupurana is one of the eighteen major puranas. It contains 23,000 verses in a hundred chapters. This purana is dedicated to Vishnu and his incarnations. It contains 23,000 verses in one hundred chapters and it was first composed by Maharishi Vyasa, who also wrote The Mahabharata. The word visnu means omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. The word visnu means omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. The same is the case with Brahman (the Absolute). The puranas are ancient scriptures of the Hindus which contain stories about the various incarnations God Visnu. The Puranas are ancient scriptures of the Hindus. These stories contain accounts of the various incarnations God Visnu and his wives, his associates and disciples. They also describe how he saved them from their enemies like demons, asura etc., and helped them in their lives. Visnupurana is one of the eighteen major puranas. Visnupurana is one of the eighteen major puranas. It contains stories...