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ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः' गायत्री मंत्र का एक भाग है. इसका अर्थ है- 'हमारे मन को जगाने की अपील करते हुए हम माता से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वह हमें शुभ कार्यों की ओर प्रेरित करे'.

  ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः' गायत्री मंत्र का एक भाग है.  इसका अर्थ है- ' हमारे मन को जगाने की अपील करते हुए हम माता से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वह हमें शुभ कार्यों की ओर प्रेरित करे '.   'ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः' के शब्दों के अर्थ:  ॐ - आदि ध्वनि, भूर् - भौतिक शरीर या भौतिक क्षेत्र, भुव - जीवन शक्ति या मानसिक क्षेत्र, स्व - जीवात्मा.   गायत्री मंत्र के अन्य शब्दों के अर्थ:   तत् - वह (ईश्वर) सवितुर - सूर्य, सृष्टिकर्ता (सभी जीवन का स्रोत) वरेण्यं - आराधना भर्गो - तेज (दिव्य प्रकाश) देवस्य - सर्वोच्च भगवान धीमहि - ध्यान धियो - बुद्धि को यो - जो नः - हमारी प्रचोदयात् - शुभ कार्यों में प्रेरित करें गायत्री मंत्र के नियमित जाप से मन शांत और एकाग्र रहता है.  मान्यता है कि इस मंत्र का लगातार जपा जाए, तो इससे मस्तिष्क का तंत्र बदल जाता है.  

Holi: Festival of Colors

 Holi, also known as the "festival of colors" or the "festival of love," is one of the most popular festivals celebrated in India and around the world. This festival is celebrated in the month of March every year, on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Phalguna. It is a time of joy, happiness, and fun, as people come together to play with colors, dance, and feast on traditional delicacies.

Holi has its origins in ancient India, and it is believed to have been celebrated for thousands of years. The festival is associated with various myths and legends, the most popular of which is the story of Prahlad and Holika. Prahlad was a devout follower of Lord Vishnu, while his father, Hiranyakashipu, was a powerful king who was against the worship of any gods. Hiranyakashipu wanted to kill Prahlad, but he was protected by Lord Vishnu. Holika, Hiranyakashipu's sister, was immune to fire, and she was asked to take Prahlad into the fire, but Lord Vishnu protected Prahlad, and Holika was burned to death. The victory of good over evil is celebrated on the first day of Holi, known as Holika Dahan.

The second day of Holi is the day when people play with colors, water, and other fun activities. It is a time when people forget their differences and come together to celebrate. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy all over India, and it is also gaining popularity in other parts of the world.

One of the most important aspects of Holi is the use of colors. People smear each other with colors, throw water balloons, and use water guns to drench each other. It is a time when people forget their differences and come together to have fun. People wear white clothes, which get stained with different colors during the festivities. The use of colors is symbolic of the various colors of life and the diversity of people, and it is a way of bringing people together.

Another important aspect of Holi is the traditional delicacies that are prepared for the festival. One of the most popular dishes is gujiya, a sweet pastry filled with khoya and dry fruits. Other popular dishes include mathri, dahi bhalla, and papri chaat. Thandai, a traditional drink made with milk, nuts, and spices, is also served during the festival.

Holi is not just about playing with colors and feasting on traditional delicacies. It is also a time when people come together to perform various rituals and traditions. On the first day of Holi, people light bonfires to mark the victory of good over evil. They sing and dance around the fire and offer prayers. On the second day of Holi, people visit their friends and relatives and exchange sweets and gifts. They also apply gulal, a colored powder, on each other's foreheads as a sign of love and respect.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern over the use of chemical colors during Holi. These colors are harmful to the skin and can cause various health problems. To address this issue, many organizations and individuals have started promoting the use of natural colors made from flowers, herbs, and vegetables. These colors are not only safe but also eco-friendly and biodegradable.

In addition to the use of natural colors, there are also other ways in which Holi is being celebrated in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way. For example, many people are now using organic food and eco-friendly utensils during the festival. They are also using public transportation instead of private cars to reduce the carbon footprint of the festival.


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