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Aaj ka subhvichar

Aap ke bhitar hi toh hai jagat ka palan karta fir kyo bhatak te hai  dar badar ......

Yug Yug Atal Shri Guru Gobind Sahib Ji

 Soorthi Mahala 1

 You are the best giver of charity. Main Kiya Magu Kichu Thiru Na Rahai Hari Dijai Namu Piari Jiu 1॥ Ghati Ghati Ravi Rahia Banwari Jali thali mahiali gupto vartai gur sabdi dekh nihari jiu stay Marat payal akasu show guri satiguri kirpa dhari jiu So brahmu is ajoni too must be seen within, murari jiu 2॥ Janam maran kau ihu jagu bpado ini dujai bhagati visari jiu Satiguru milait gurmati paaye sakat baji haari jiu 3॥ To break satgur bondage, nirare bahudi na garbha majhari jiu Nanak Gian Ratnu Pargasiya Hari Mani Vasiya Nirankari Jiu 4॥8॥



 #O_Prabhu_ji! You are the giver of all things to us, you never fail to give your teeth, we are beggars at your rate. What do I ask of you? Nothing is going to last forever.

 Yes, it is your name which is everlasting. That's why #O_Hari! Give me your name, I will love your name.1.

 #God is pervasive in every body. It is present everywhere in the water, in the earth, on the earth, in the sky but is hidden. #Hey_man! See Him through Guru's Shabad. Stay.

 #Hey_brother! To the person on whom #Guru has blessed #Satiguru, he has shown the whole world, the earth, the sky, the whole world full of the existence of God. That #God does not come among the Junis, still exists, will be present in future also, #O brother! You see that Lord living in your heart.2.

 This fateless world is sitting on the cycle of birth and death because it has forgotten the devotion of God by falling in the illusion of Maya. If a #Satiguru is found, then by following the teachings of the #guru, one gets devotion to the Lord, but the Maya-obsessed creatures break away from devotion and lose the battle of human birth.3.

 #Satiguru! The people whom you detach from Maya by breaking the bonds of Maya, do not again fall into the cycle of birth and death. #O_Nanak! 4.9.


 Waheguru's Khalsa!

 Waheguru ji's fate!!


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